Dot Foods Catalog - Catalog - Page 2
Why Source Through Dot
As the nation’s largest redistributor, we make it easy for distributors to get the items
they need in a short amount of time, with no individual product line minimum.
In-stock items generally take 2–4 days to
deliver if in the continental U.S.
1700+ trucks deliver to all
50 states, 365 days a year
No individual product
line minimums
Dot...Experience True Redistribution
Dot provides a solution to high supplier minimums, low inventory turns, poor cash 昀氀ow,
poor 昀椀ll rates and category expansion. Dot customers have weekly access to all of our Equipment and
Supply products and suppliers. Dot o昀昀ers thousands of items, many in “each” quantity.
Q: How do I know if I should buy from Dot?
A: If you have one or more of the following challenges:
• You cannot meet the supplier’s minimum, so you have to pay
freight or you have to buy more inventory than you need.
• You have a di昀케cult time sourcing items you do not inventory.
• You are not competitive with your current supplier
because you do not buy enough from them.
• Your current supplier's 昀椀ll rate is poor.
• You want the supplier to recognize you as a customer.
Q: If I buy from Dot, do I lose all identity with the supplier?
A: No, buying from Dot is exactly like buying direct.
• We report all of your sales back to the supplier and brokers nightly.
• Your brokers/direct reps still receive commission for your purchases through Dot.
• Most suppliers pass through buying group programs, specials, rebates, etc., through Dot.
• Most importantly, you stay a customer of your current supplier or if you have been purchasing
through other wholesalers, become a customer of the supplier!
Sourcing through Dot Foods is hassle-free
when you take advantage of our
e-commerce platform.
Search for items by name, manufacturer or
keyword and the product information will be at
your 昀椀ngertips within seconds.